That’s All We Need explores more of the experimental, electronic, and organic mediums used by the group on previous releases. However, this release is a departure in a few ways. First, unlike the others, it is completely sample-free. Also, all three prior albums were released within just days of their conception through a process described by the group as “binging out.” This process is characterized by extensive, often times, gruelling writing and recording of the music and intense collaboration within a short period of time. Initially, the tracks for 'That’s All We Need' were created the very same way- over a five day writing and recording binge. But after the binge, the group continued crafting the songs individually and in smaller groups for about a month and a half. More collaboration on the tracks came through file sharing over the Internet, a method not foreign to the quartet. “We’ve traded files over the Internet for much of The Biz albums with Matt and Zach in Tennessee, and it’s become a more common method to keep the collaboration going” says Phil Buck, member of FHTB and Denver based group, The Biz.
'That’s All We Need' is also the first album to feature Matt Nigro, a.k.a. MattntheHat, a long-time collaborator, as the fourth and newest member of the production team. Matt was first introduced into FHTB in January 2010. As a partner to Zach Matthews, a.k.a. z.matt.33, Matt helped to continue the live performances in the Southeast. After Matt joined the other two-thirds of the team in Denver, 'It seemed like a natural move to add Matt to the mix,' says z.matt.33, who is currently the only FHTB member left in Nashville where the group was founded.
Fresh Hats Tight Beats hopes to be touring regionally again by the end of 2012. The group has not been performing live since Matt relocated to Denver, but have been focusing their efforts in the studio on other projects. Be on the lookout for news on their other musical endeavours, including new albums from The Biz, Studio-T, z.matt.33 and a project the team says is still top secret. z.matt.33 has been in the studio with Juan De Winslow working on his debut solo effort, due out in March.
More details on Fresh Hats Tight Beats 'That’s All We Need' and other Winslow Family releases can be found on the official website of Winslow Family Productions: www.areyouawinslow.com.
DOWNLOAD That's All We Need
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